What’s Included in a Home Inspection?

A home inspection examines a home’s condition, completed by a licensed home inspector who will use various testing methods to acquire information about the home’s safety and functionality. A home inspection is non-invasive, which means that home inspectors do not damage the home. For example, when a plumber looks for a leak, she may need to open walls or rip flooring. Home inspectors do not do this. We use tools like thermal imaging and wood moisture meters which are excellent ways to discover leaks, but it is still limited compared to an invasive inspection. Another example is that with HVAC inspections, we do not take off panels and remove compressors for HVAC inspections, as this would be considered invasive and would need to be performed by a licensed HVAC technician. However, we do test the heat and A/C output at the vents and do a thorough visual inspection of the HVAC units and all related items.

Inspections are inherently limited because they are a snapshot in time. An inspection on a rainy day will look quite different from an inspection done in the heat of summer after ten dry days. In addition, homes occupied with personal belongings can sometimes block issues from view. Our inspectors use their training, experience, and high-tech tools to discover problems and make predictions to provide the most comprehensive inspection possible.

When licensed home inspectors performs and evaluation, they use nearly all of their senses (visual, auditory, sensory, olfactory) in addition to highly sensitive tools like wood moisture meters, gas/CO detectors, and thermal imaging cameras.

wet crawl space

Home Inspections are Highly Recommended

North Carolina does not require home inspections to close on the sale of a home, but we always recommend them as a sound investment. If you are a…

  1. buyer trying to protect your potential investment and learn as much as you can about your prospective home.
    1. Home inspections are crucial when the home is “For Sale By Owner.”
    2. New construction inspection where the seller is the builder.
  2. A seller trying to assess the condition of your property.
  3. realtor needing a trustworthy recommendation for your client.
  4. An individual in need of a home inspection for any of the following:
    1. Air Quality Testing
    2. Pest/Termite Inspections
    3. Radon Testing
    4. Preventative maintenance and general home care.

The reason for this is simple: you and your family’s safety is the priority. Although a home inspection is a snapshot in time and is limited, it provides a significant amount of incredibly detailed information about the home. These inspections can range from $200-$500, and we believe this is a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is on par with regulations. 

According to the American Society of Home Inspections, a standard home inspection report will include:

  • The condition of the home’s heating system.
  • Central air conditioning system (temperature permitting).
  • Interior plumbing system.
  • Electrical system.
  • The roof, attic, and visible insulation.
  • Walls, ceilings, floors, windows, and doors.
  • The foundation, basement, and structural components.

What’s not included? There are some exceptions, including unsafe conditions and lack of access. As home inspectors, we cannot move furniture around to access certain home areas.

This list is an abbreviated description of what your inspection will include and the types of information you will receive. During the entire inspection, the inspector will highlight important information about your home; during the walkthrough at the end of the examination, the inspector will provide a complete, verbal overview highlighting his findings and mimic the results in the written report.

A thorough home inspection should last about 3-4 hours, depending on the size and condition of the home. At Doherty Home Inspections, we provide detailed web-based interactive reports, and traditional PDFs delivered typically in one day or less. Customer satisfaction is critical, so Outstanding Customer Service is our standard. One of the ways we maintain that standard is through excellent communication. If you call, we answer the phone.

Contact Us to Get Started

Doherty Home Inspections currently serves Chapel Hill, Pittsboro, Durham, Cary, Wake Forest, Raleigh, and the entire Triangle area. We’ve performed over 1,000 home inspections and counting. If we can assist you or you have any general questions, reach out to Lori by email to get started. —> lori@dohertyhomeinspections.com or (919) 914-0606

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