
Over the course of your home ownership, you may come across some confusing terminology and processes. While a real estate agent can answer many questions for you, one area you’ll want to learn about on your own (if you haven’t already) is home warranties. A home warranty is not actually a warranty; it’s more like […]

Schedule Your End of Warranty Home Inspection

We spoke about the importance of getting an HVAC inspection. An HVAC inspection is a process of examining the ventilation, heating, and air conditioning systems in a home. A home inspection is non-invasive, which means that home inspectors cannot damage the house. We do NOT take off panels and remove compressors for HVAC inspections, which

HVAC Inspection

It’s essential to understand what a home inspection is and what it’s not. We hope this post clears up any lingering questions you may have about what a North Carolina home inspection checklist includes. “According to North Carolina state law, home inspectors must visually examine structural components, such as the foundation, floors, walls, ceilings, and

Doherty Home Inspections

A home inspection examines a home’s condition, completed by a licensed home inspector who will use hands-off methods to acquire information about its safety and functionality. A home inspection is non-invasive, which means that home inspectors cannot damage the home. For example, when a plumber looks for a leak, she may need to open walls or

As home inspectors with years of experience, we’ve seen it all, from friendly neighborhood tortoises to 270-year-old homes. We’ve gained many tokens of wisdom throughout this journey that we want to share. These are just a few small tips that may offer you some clarity the next time you find yourself part of the home

Doherty Home Inspections

Realtors, let’s work together this new year! As small business owners, we understand the importance of networking, meeting new vendors, finding accountability partners. We decided to ask YOU how we could better serve the community. We’ve discovered something that works and is mutually beneficial… We want to invite any local Realtors in The Triangle area

Dear Realtors

  If you’re thinking about listing your home…you may want to grab a pen and paper. You don’t want to miss this. 📝 When it comes to preparing a house for listing, we always recommend getting a proper inspection. Think about it this way: if the pre-listing inspection has not been taken care of then the buyers are

Here Are 5 Things You Should Do Before Listing Your Home

Don’t Skip a Home Inspection Any home, new or old, is not without its fair share of structural secrets. Upon first viewing a home it’s easy to get sucked into the exhilarating process of deciding where you are going to place your furniture, what color to paint the walls, and which rooms to decorate first.

Home Inspection Series
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