Here Are 5 Things You Should Do Before Listing Your Home


Here Are 5 Things You Should Do Before Listing Your Home

If you’re thinking about listing your home…you may want to grab a pen and paper. You don’t want to miss this. 📝

When it comes to preparing a house for listing, we always recommend getting a proper inspection. Think about it this way: if the pre-listing inspection has not been taken care of then the buyers are in control. The seller has to be aware of the condition of the home in order to value it correctly on the market. If there’s still talk of repairs needed here and there and the house has been on the market for a while, the first thing to drop is going to be the asking price. The buyers will have to request a lower asking price to make up for the cost of the needed repairs. This back and forth could take some time and you could lose potential buyers along the way.

The pre-listing inspection should be budgeted for before the seller takes over. Budgeting for the situation beforehand gives you time to fight the right home inspection team to work with, like us! The decision to list your home is not an easy one. There are lots of things to do in order to get your home in proper selling condition. From one homeowner to another, here are five tips to get you started…🤫

  1. Ensure all doors and windows are in good working condition.
  2. Replace or repair any damaged shingles.
  3. Check for and make note of any plumbing issues.
  4. Test all hot water faucets.
  5. Check for moisture in the crawl space.

These are just a few recommendations. There are MANY more where that came from! If you are getting ready to sell your home and would like to have its condition assessed beforehand so you know what to address, Doherty Home Inspections is here to help!

Doherty Home Inspections

Doherty Home Inspections

Offering residential inspections including new build, end of warranty, pre-purchase, pre-listing, and townhouse & condo inspections.

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